jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2008

Volcano! - Paperwork

Artista: Volcano!
Titulo: Paperwork
Genero: Noisy / Psychedelic / Experimental Rock
Ciudad / País: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Relase Date: 2008
Tamaño: 72.9 MB
Password: aspirinaradioactiva
Checalos aqui

Este grupo lo encontre con estas 3 resenas:

"It sounds crazy, but it's in the context of structured songs and pop melodies."

"...the musical equivalent of a nervous ball of energy, bouncing all over the place, covering every conceivable angle and seemingly on the cusp of combustion." "... the musical equivalent of a nervous ball of energy, bouncing all over the place, covering every conceivable angle and seemingly on the cusp of combustion."

"Very much like a rollercoaster ride, the band sway between topsy-turvy structures and jagged, half-staggered rhythms, keeping you second guessing all the way." "Very much like a rollercoaster ride, the band sway between topsy-turvy structures and jagged, half-staggered rhythms, keeping you second guessing all the way."

Despues de escucharlos cumplen todas las espectativas, muy buena musica y bien pensado el disco, por que al final en el momento que empiezan a saturar poner una rola toda divertida, casi como comer un helado de limon despues de medio kilo de carne.

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