Artista: Deftones
Titulo: Saturday Night Wrist
Genero: Alternative Metal/Experimental Rock
Ciudad / País: Sacramento, California
Relase Date: Octubre 31, 2006
Tamaño: 80.06 MB
Password: aspirinaradioactiva
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Titulo: Saturday Night Wrist
Genero: Alternative Metal/Experimental Rock
Ciudad / País: Sacramento, California
Relase Date: Octubre 31, 2006
Tamaño: 80.06 MB
Password: aspirinaradioactiva
Checalo aqui
En verdad creo imposible dar una opinion imparcial sobre esta banda, asi que mejor busque las palabras de los expertos... btw no encontre comentarios malos...
En 2006 despues de 3 años, Deftones regresan con este disco, que en lo personal me encanta, pero haganse su propia opinion los que no lo hayan escuchado. Este disco en particular me es muy especial ya que el 30 de Octubre de 2006 tuve la oportunidad de verlos en El Paso County Coliseum, y escuchar varias de las canciones a solo un dia de salir el disco, recuerdo que empezaron el concierto con cherry waves y bueno... este es un blog de musica no de mi vida jajaja, en otra ocasion subire el B sides and rarities que tambien esta re bueno.
"Rock critics usually reserve a special place for Deftones above or at least away from the rest of the turn-of-the-century metal movement ..." Jhonny Luftus
"Rock critics usually reserve a special place for Deftones above or at least away from the rest of the turn-of-the-century metal movement ..." Jhonny Luftus
This Cali quintet was the artiest of the new-metal bands, honing a savage and spaced-out guitar-and-keyboard attack that got dense as hell on 2003'sDeftones. Saturday Night Wrist is slightly cleaned-up, but it's as dark as the Deftones have ever gotten, with sludgy stoner-rock bumping against prog-metal chops and scorched-earth atmospherics. It's a weird blend of viscerally shaking (hopped-up slashers like "The Earth"), artfully alluring ("Beware," which has cricket sound effects) and unfocused oblivion ("Cherry Waves"). Tool and Korn are prime reference points, but another one is more surprising: Radiohead. "Mein," an industrial banger with swooshy space-rock overlays, finds Tarzan-like yowler Chino Moreno doing a credible Thom Yorke. The songwriting never quite comes together, but this is a metal record that gets by as much on sonic tricks as monster riffs. ROLLNG STONE
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